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Holy heck!

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24hr stream prep!

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HECK... I mean, WELCOME!

Welcome to my new, new, home off stream! Thanks for visiting <3

This membership setup is to help support me in making content! It took a while to get up the confidence to launch a 3rd party support system, and I'm still not 100% sure what I'll be doing here. I do have Patreon setup, but the system here on Fourthwall fits my needs much better. I feel like this will be a better way to share some more personal, behind the scenes things with people. Could be photo dumps, random musings, or lil rants.. it won't necessarily relate to stream.

We've even got a mobile app for members, so you can actually have a Pocket Del.

Please know that I appreciate ALL support that you provide, financial or otherwise. Without you, there's no point in even making content, so you're all part of my production team in a way!

Thanks, frens!

~ Del