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August 4: 20 days away!

Today was a quiet day, outwardly, but a bit of a rough one for me mentally, and physically. The dogs were great on their walks, which was nice, and we saw the bunny again. Dio actually did see it this time, but I was expecting the yank as he tried to scamper over to it. Walking a pibble gave me the stronk training, I guess!

Had mushroom risotto and fresh bread for lunch, which all sounds rather fancy. I wasn't particularly hungry, but I made myself eat so that I'd have some fortification for streaming, and the rest of the day. I'm glad I did!

Stream went pretty well, though I had a few moments where I was feeling overwhelmed with demands. I managed it without a meltdown though.. mostly, and we carried on. I enjoyed hearing what people were up to on the server and, considering it's a passive server, there was a lot of death-by-cow! I tried to take a few screenshots so that there would be something to post here. I mentioned that I didnt even have a mudhut setup, since Id just been exploring, and Bill made one for me lol. The starter area is looking pretty fancy now, with a longhouse, chicken house, and a bunch of other buildings.

After stream, I had another catchup with Flint which helped my brain a bit. We just nattered and he showed me cute/silly things on twitter. I miss him terribly!

I'm hoping Monday will bring an ease to the brain and body. Dean and Jessi are due back on Tuesday, I think, so I'll be trying to get things squared away and tidy for their return. Other than that, I'm going to be gentle with myself, and take advantage of a day with no demands.

I'm not sure when my next stream will be, since I won't have the access to a PC like I have this last week. I will try to keep posting here though, and I'll be about in Discord too. It's been wonderful seeing everyone popping into chat. I really do enjoy the company, and it's immensely reassuring that you were all still around after 2 weeks of no streams.